Monday, December 17, 2012

Do You Really Need to Say Thank You?

How would you feel if you complimented someone in person and he just walked away from you without saying anything? Weird, right?
Saying "thank you"—sincerely and with heart—feels good. Not just to the person receiving it, but also to the person offering it. And that's part of work too. It's hard to remember, as we process our hundredth email, that behind each message is a person.
So many of us feel like we work at a thankless job and that people today have a sense of entitlement and don't appreciate anything. I know I've felt put off when a business doesn't thank me for my if I'm doing them a favor by shopping/dining/visiting! People get so wrapped up in their own world--it's always "Me! Me! ME!" But the reality is that no one person can do everything. Relationships make the world go 'round...and when we forget to recognize the efforts of others it dehumanizes them, it makes them an object. It degrades from what the world could be.
What if you took the time to thank those with whom you interacted for one week? What would happen if everyone did? Do you think we'd get enough momentum going to change the world? 

Do You Really Need to Say Thank You? - Peter Bregman - Harvard Business Review:

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